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Comment Guidelines

Thanks for taking the time to join the debate.

Our discussion boards are formally moderated and we reserve the right to edit or delete comments that don’t meet our comment guidelines.

We have put certain community standards in place to maintain the comments section as a place for robust but civil discussion. For this reason, comments that don’t stick to the following basic ground rules, or which fall foul of our full terms and conditions, won’t be published.

We will not tolerate attacks based on one’s religion, race, gender, disability, or sexual orientation. This is a strict no, with zero-tolerance.

Be respectful. Criticise ideas, not people.

We absolutely welcome a frank and passionate exchange of views, but please treat your fellow commenters with respect. While debate is encouraged, name-calling is not. Commenters should strive to attack the substance of arguments, rather than the person who is making them. When personal insults, upper-case shouting, petty sarcastic asides likely to cause upset, irritation or anxiety are used comments won’t be published.

Comments that are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic or otherwise hateful will be removed. Suggestions that someone is mentally ill, disturbed or should “take their meds” will be removed. (Let’s just assume everyone’s already taken their meds, OK?)

Please don’t SHOUT (or post in all capital letters) either.

Keep it accurate

We all make mistakes, and where appropriate we will edit posts for accuracy. But deliberate attempts to distort the facts; disseminate fake news; propagate conspiracy theories; espouse discredited theories, or advertise products or services won’t be published.

We will remove commercial posts and spam in comments.

We reserve the right to remove comments that violate these standards or are disruptive of the community without providing substantive debate. This includes personal feuds between commenters that deviate from the article being discussed. Please respect our reporters and fellow commenters by keeping the conversation on topic.

There may be a short delay between when you post your first few comments and when they become public.

What about criticism of Nagpurly? 

We welcome strong opinions and criticism of our work, and do not hesitate to approve critical comments. However, personal attacks against our staff will not be permitted, and any criticism should relate to the article in question.   

You’re just slagging on us. 

If all you have to contribute to the conversation is how much we suck, are biased, don’t deserve our jobs, can’t perform our jobs, are shills and/or have been bought out by a company or a political party, then don’t be shocked if your comment disappears (or, in extreme cases, if you are banned altogether). We’re perfectly willing to hear constructive criticism, but we are also under no obligation to let you insult us without merit. 


“This is just censorship and you’re afraid of hearing feedback”

This is a common complaint we hear when we delete comments or close comments sections. And to this we have to say: Just chill, take a deep breath. Let’s be clear about this: Commenting on our site is not a right of law passed down to you in the Constitution, and Nagpurly’s comments section is not an open forum where you can say whatever you please. Nagpurly is a news site and a business, allows commenting in order to further the discussion, engage our readers and let interested parties have a good time.

Commenting here is a privilege, not a right, and if you must be nasty, well, then … it’s a big internet and you can do that on your own website. And to be frank, if we really didn’t want to hear feedback from our readers, we wouldn’t have a comments section at all.

You are solely responsible for the content of your messages. 

You cannot knowingly post content that violates the copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right of any third party, and you must remove the same should you discover that you have violated this provision.

Likewise, you cannot post content that is libelous, defamatory, obscene, abusive, that violates a third party’s right to privacy, that otherwise violates any applicable local, state, national or international law, or that is otherwise inappropriate.

Why has my comment been spiked?

We do our best to follow our moderation guidelines, but if you’ve submitted a comment that hasn’t been published, and you’re certain it doesn’t fall foul of guidelines, or you’ve spotted a published comment that you feel does breach our guidelines you can appeal it here: Please note, we will only reply when an appeal is successful.

If you see a comment that doesn’t meet these guidelines, hit the “flag” icon and it will be reviewed again by our moderators. Every comment that’s reported to us is vetted by moderators; we delete those that we deem inappropriate or feel are in violation of our guidelines.

Rest assured, we will not delete comments just because they’re argumentative or because someone has a different opinion than you.

In conclusion

We don’t want Nagpurly to be just another site where people “don’t read the comments” — we want the comments to be a reason to come to Nagpurly.

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